Data Science 101 -Getting started with Data Science

Mohamed Illiyas
3 min readMay 23, 2021

Introduction to Data science and Data analytics

The biggest asset in the world as of now is data. Economist says that the most valuable resource is no longer gold, diamond or any other thing but Data. Now, many of the employees are changing their careers from other fields to Data Science. This blog will help students and readers who want to get an initial foothold in this field. Here you will learn what is what & It's time to explore and go over some common misconceptions you might run into the field of data analytics. Let us dive in!

What is Data?

Data is nothing but the collection of facts and truth. This collection can include numbers, pictures, videos, words, measurements, observations, calculations, information, and more.

What is Data analysis?

Analyzing the data to achieve some results is Data analysis.

Data analysis is the collection, transformation, and organization of data in order to arrive at conclusions, make predictions, and guide business decisions by using facts, metrics, and data.

Who is a Data analyst?

A data analyst is one who collects, transforms, and organizes data in order to help make conclusions, predictions, business decisions.

What is Data Science?

Data science is a field that uses scientific methods, process algorithms to extract knowledge from raw (unstructured) data.

In other terms, Data science is defined as creating new ways of modeling and understanding unknown information by using raw data.

Who is a Data scientist?

A Data scientist is one who uses their industry knowledge, contextual understanding, conceptual skills to create new techniques using data and find answers and manage them to make solutions to business challenges.

Most of our common misconception is

  1. we assume data analysts and data scientists are the same.
  2. we assume data analysis and data analytics are the same.

but this is not true.

1. Data analyst vs Data scientist

Data scientists create new techniques using data and find answers to derive conclusions. They create new models and techniques to predict the future.

Data analysts find answers to existing questions by creating insights from data sources. They use existing techniques to predict the future.

2. Data analysis Vs Data analytics

Data analysis is the collection, transformation, and organization of data in order to arrive at conclusions

Data analytics -It’s a very broad concept that covers everything from

  1. the job of managing data,
  2. using data to the tools and
  3. methods that data workers use each and every day.
Data analytics vs Data analysis


We have seen some terminologies related to data science and common misconception you might run into the field of data analytics.

Follow up for further travel in data analysis

